Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Zorro- The Rise of Capoeira in Goa

By MDT for Goa Backstage Feb 2013

Although the current trend in Goa's Martial Art niche is mostly succumbed to Karate, Judo or taekwan-do, Capoeira, is on the rise to popularity amongst the Goan people.
For those who do not really know what Capoeira is all about. This short interview takes initiative to acquire a clear understanding of this Marital Art by Introducing Goa's very own Capoeira master, Zorro of "Capoeira Goa". (Cordão de Ouro) 
 A Graduate in B.E, Computer Science from Mysore, Zorro worked as a Software Consultant until he decided to pursue Capoeira full time. Having Portuguese influence and a similar background as Brazil, Capoeira has found a cozy home here in Goa, as has Zorro.  To get acquainted to Capoeira, Zorro is asked a few questions about himself and this unique Martial Art.  

Q: What is Capoeira?

A: Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines many elements together such as; dance, music, culture, acrobatics and fun. It’s a sport, a game, a language, and a self-defense form. Capoeira provides freedom, true self-expression, focus and a sense of community. 

Q: Tell us about the origin and History of Capoeira.

A: Capoeira originated from rituals of Africa and native Brazilians. It emerged from the hunger for freedom. Discovered by the Portuguese in the 1500’s, colonization brought to Brazil enslaved African people. They needed a way to defend. Hence, the aesthetics of Capoeira emerged from slaves being bound by chains that developed into Capoeira of today.
Back then; it was a way of resistance that developed into attack and defense techniques. It was the weapon to fight oppression during the slavery time.

Q: What intrigued you to learn Capoeira?

A: What amazed me the most was the graceful movement of a Capoeirista with the rhythm of the beat. It started as physical fitness, but I realized that Capoeira provides an opportunity to learn a new language, rhythm, music, culture, quick reflexes and so much more.

Q: How old were you when you started Capoeira?

A: I started at twenty-three.

Q: Where did you learn?

A: I learnt Capoeira from Instructor Baba in Mumbai, who introduced Capoeira to India in 2006. 

Q: How long have you been teaching this art?

A: I started in 2011 with assisting Baba and teaching kids of all ages in a few international schools. I moved to Goa in August 2012. My first class was at Tito's White House, Anjuna.

Q:  It is a brilliant idea to introduce formal classes of Capoeira to Goa, tell us why you chose to instruct in this particular location?

A: Goa is an ideal place for Capoeira.
In many ways it is similar to Brazil. The proximity to the sea, language of Portuguese, presence of rhythm and music in the Goan community, love for football, the carnivals. Goa is the Brazil of India.

Q: Can anyone learn?

A: Yes, anyone can learn.

Q: When showing up for classes, what kind of experience would we expect?

A: Expect a sweaty and wholesome workout and to have fun, do something new, get flexible and strong. Learn new musical instruments, a new language, to fall and get up again.

Q: Please tell us, what makes a great Capoeirista?

A: Apart from understanding the philosophy, history and emotions behind the birth of Capoeira, a great Capoeirista trains regularly. Not only moves, but also music, language and control. A great Capoeirista has good control of their emotions. When challenged by an adversary, anger can take over and focus is lost. The fight might be won, but the game is lost. A good Capoeirista will be able to hide emotions and use it to their advantage. It’s the game of Capoeira.